Selected by default, this option displays Scroll Lock to indicate that SCROLL LOCK is turned on to allow scrolling in the worksheet by using the arrow keys. When selected, this option displays Num Lock to indicate that NUM LOCK is turned on to allow using the keys on the numeric keypad to enter numbers in the worksheet. When selected, this option displays Caps Lock to indicate that CAPS LOCK is turned on to allow typing in uppercase characters. In other versions, click File > Info > Protect Workbook > Restrict Access > Restricted Access. To apply restriction in Excel 2007, click Microsoft Office Button, Prepare, Restrict Permission, Restricted Access. This icon displays only when access to the document has been restricted. Selected by default, this option displays an icon next to the Cell Mode indicator that you can click to view the current read and edit document permissions. Selected by default, this option indicates that Information Rights Management (IRM) has been used to restrict permission to content in the active workbook. Selected by default, this option indicates that the active workbook has been digitally signed. Selected by default, this option indicates the number of cells that were populated by the Flash Fill. Selected by default, this option indicates the number of cells that were left blank after a Flash Fill operation. It is displayed when you start a formula and then click the cells that you want to include in the formula. Point to indicate formula cell selection mode. It is displayed when you double-click a cell, or when you press F2 so that you can enter or edit data in a cell. It is displayed when you select a cell and start typing, or when you press F2 twice.Įdit to indicate in-cell editing mode.

One of the following modes is displayed.Įnter to indicate content entry mode. Selected by default, this option displays the current cell editing mode on the left side of the status bar. Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated.Note: A few options may not be available depending on the Excel version you are using. Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added. Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server I even wiped the database to see and of course i have all my backups before installing your stuff but i really want it to work Now installed your addon and added configuration to the xm8Įdited everything needed in mission file description.ext config.cpp added ExAdClient then repacked pboĮdited exile.ini then added exad_core and exad_vg pbo to server then started the server andĥ:22:26 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database."ĥ:22:26 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Statement Exception"ĥ:22:26 Error Generic error in expressionĥ:22:26 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllDatabaseVehicles.sqf, line 25ĥ:22:46 "TCAGame/BIS_fnc_log: - Scripts initialized at 21113 ms -" Have you followed the installation process with no exceptions?

Please consider donating if you like my that seems pretty weird. Įncouragements always keep projects alive a little longer.
Since almost all code has been rewritten I can have missed some bugs, just create a new issue on Github and I'll take care of. If you have any suggestion or request write them below It's really important that you follow the installation instructions and if anything is ambiguous, comment below. XM8 Apps CHVD View Distance, Journal, Server Info, Vehicle Garage, StatsBar Settings
The time has come when a private repo just isn't good enough, that's why I continuously will rewrite my scripts and addons from EXO, SP4R and other communities. These remarkable plugins will be collected on GitHub and if you wanna read more on the specific features I'll describe them here.Ĭlarification - You don't need to install all plugins, they are installed individually but some are dependent on others. Exile Addons - originally small projects developed for the ArmA Exile communities EXO and SP4R but now rewritten and collected here.